Follow-up interview with Jason Fried from 37signals

    Aug 01, 2009

    We had the pleasure of talking with Jason Fried from 37signals on Saturday, June 27, 2009 on WNOX FM 100.3. This is the follow-up interview.
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    Jason Fried from 37signals radio interview with Sean, Tom and Judy on WNOX FM 100.3

    Jun 27, 2009

    Many of our Knoxville-based customers know that I’ve been routinely co-hosting a radio show on Saturdays at noon called Your Opportunity Knox with Tom and Judy Irmen. Tom and Judy...
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    Sean and Daniel on WNOX FM 100.3

    Mar 08, 2009

    We were live on WNOX FM 100.3 Saturday, March 7, discussing topics like web design and hosting.
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    Slamdot logo for Fluid

    Feb 12, 2008

    You can easily create a Slamdot-specific browser for your Mac OS X desktop with Fluid and the high-resolution logo provided below. We got the idea from our friends at 37signals...
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    Using Google Apps with Slamdot

    Nov 18, 2007

    With the recent announcement of the long-awaited IMAP functionality available from Google, we’ve had a lot of customers asking how to go about setting up Google Apps to work with...
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    Business cards

    Nov 06, 2007

    We’ve gotten a lot of emails in response to our recent photos of the new office from people interested in seeing our business cards.
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    Updates on the new office

    Oct 28, 2007

    Well, we’re all settled in now! It’s been a long couple of days, moving and hauling furniture around, but we’ve made it! We’ll be working out of the new office...
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    We're moving to a new office!

    Oct 25, 2007 Daniel Monday

    We’ve just leased a new office in downtown Knoxville! The building has a really cool feel to it, and there is a fondue restaurant - The Melting Pot - on...
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    The Slamdot Identity

    Mar 09, 2007 Daniel Monday

    To have a successful company, we needed a couple of things. One being a name, otherwise people would walk around referring to us as “that super-awesome, ridiculously-cool hosting company,” or...
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    Monkey-patching Rails' route generation

    Jan 13, 2007

    On our way to a more RESTful Slamdot, we ran into a slight snag with the way Rails’ routes were being generated by Resources. We needed to be able to...
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